Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Did you know that 'desserts' is 'stressed' spelt backwards? I found that out today. Which is appropriate because I forgot to put the marg into a batch of carrot buns - duh. I blame the three year old helper who continually distracts me and won't let me near the recipe or the bowl. Sigh.

On the plus side, they look OK but, I imagine, they will be a bit dry and crumbly. Luckily there are walnuts, sultanas and carrots in them, as well as milk and egg, so all may not be lost...

This is my first baking outing since last week's 'floor cake'. Yes, just as I was putting a fresh-from-the-oven cake onto the wire rack to cool, it fell onto the floor and smashed. I am not feeling the baking love. No, wait, I tell a lie. Sunday's Saint Patrick's Day buns turned out fine. Thank Patrick for that...

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